Hi, my name is Camilo
I'm a Computer Science Engineer graduated at the UCM, Spain, and currently working at PwC as a Cybersecurity Engineer.

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I'm Camilo Andres D'isidoro, a Computer Science Engineer graduated from Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. I'm currently working as a Cybersecurity Engineer Associate at PwC in Spain.

I've always been very passionate about learning about computers, how do they work, how to use and improve the technology they use, and how we as engineers can make new devices and technologies and with them improve the lifestyle of the people. I have skills in Cybersecurity, Web development, Programming, and use of Cloud infrastructure.

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Work experience

PwC Spain - Cybersecurity Engineer Associate (08/24 - Today)

Working in the Business Security Solutions (BSS) Operational Unit of the company, as a Cybersecurity Engineer.

Acquired and applied knowledge in Cybersecurity and Privacy, Cloud Computing, Azure, Teamwork, and Git.

NTT Data Spain S.L.U. - Internship (03/23 - 01/24)

Development of a Schaman configuration for Vodafone, to facilitate the work of the technical support staff through an interface that comfortably displays the client information, automatically diagnose problems and tries to solve them, offering useful tools for personnel with or without advanced technical knowledge.

Acquired and applied knowledge in Postman, XML, Schaman, Bitbucket, JSON, Teamwork, JavaScript, Python, and Git.


Computer Science Engineer Bachelor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2019 - 2024)

Acquired knowledge in Java, C/C++, Python, MongoDB, SQL, Spring Boot, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, JS, WordPress, Git, AWS, Google Cloud, Vivado, Data Science and Cybersecurity.

Participated on student associations: LAG (Videogames Association), ASCII (Roleplay and Videogames Association), and FDIST (Cybersecurity Association).

Universidad de Cundinamarca - Informatics Engineering Bachelor (2016 - 2018)

Studies not completed here, but approved it's continuity at UCM.

Acquired knowledge in Java, C++, SQL, PHP, HTML5, CSS3, Arduino


SkinList (Personal 2024)

This is a dockerized Django web application that allows the user to look at all the cosmetics available in the videogame Fortnite, and create a wishlist with the items the want to buy. In order to ease the installation and deployment, the project has a bash script which sets up the environment and runs the application in Docker containers, coordinated via a docker-compose file.

Get Tasks Done (UCM 2024)

This is the final project of my degree. It's a REST API infrastructure for a task manager which follows the GTD philosophy by David Allen. It has a REST API based on Spring Boot (Dockerized), a MySQL database (Dockerized), a web application built using Flutter, and a mobile application native for Android built using Kotlin. The API allows to create users, tasks, projects, contexts, notes, tags and check items for the tasks.

Eat Away (UCM 2022)

This is a fast food delivery webapp like Ubereats or Glovo, where the customer can register, and make a order to a restaurant, and receive it in their house. It has custom access to the delivery man, the restaurant owner and the system administrator. The delivery man can see the available orders to pickup and deliver them to the customer address, which it can be shown in a map using the Google Maps API. The restaurant owner account will receive the orders made to their restaurant and manage them until they're ready for pickup; they also can register a new restaurant, register new dishes and extras to them, and manage the restaurants they own. The system administrator can manage all the restaurants in the Web App regardless if they own the restaurant or not. They also can remove the profile photo of the users in case they're inappropiate, and even block or unblock users from the page.

Gamers Den (UCM 2022)

This is a web app for gamers, where they can read the latest news on the gaming industry, discuss on a forum with other users, make friends and chat with them, look at the upcoming events on a calendar, sell their used games on the site and look for new games on the videogames catalogue. This project was made using HTML5, CSS3, PHP, Bootstrap 5.1, mySQL, FullCalendar, and deployed with a UCM private container.

YouTube Analytics (UCM 2021)

This is a data science project that studies various trendings on YouTube, using a dataset of videos uploaded on the last year with data like Title, Views, Likes, Dislikes, Upload Date, Upload Country, etc. The big data processing was developed with Python and executed with the help of Google Cloud infrastructure.


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